
日曜日の礼拝 & 福音中心の子育てセミナー|Sunday Worship & Gospel Centered Parenting Seminar

毎週日曜日の10時と11時45分 Every Sunday at 10AM and 11:45AM

Whether you are a Christian or non-Christian, everyone is welcome! With a kids class during the service and baby-friendly spaces, this is great for the whole family! We hope to meet you on Sunday!

福音中心の子育てセミナー|Sunday Worship & Gospel Centered Parenting Seminar


このセミナーではCBI(キリスト聖書学園)のCBI PRESSが発行している「福音中心の子育て」の本を使って学びます。日本語はCBIのWebサイトで無料ダウンロードできます。リンクはこちらです。


The Gospel-Centered Parenting Seminar is a 10-session series. It is held at the church Worship center at 14:00 on the first and third Sundays of each month, after the second service. Participants can learn what gospel-centered parenting is and how to practice it. This seminar is open to parents of children and anyone else interested in learning about it. This seminar is not only for people who have chidlren but also for couples, and singles who do not have children.

This seminar will use the book “Gospel-Centered Parenting” published by CBI Press of CBI (Christ Bible Institute). The Japanese version can be downloaded free of charge from the CBI website. The English book can be purchased from the church.

Kid care is also available. If you need child care, please access the reservation form here and register for dates you will need childcare.